Preparation #
As a first-time user, prepare and have the following information ready to ensure a smooth registration process:
- Company & Store Name
- Company Logo Image (ratio 1:1)
- Mobile Number (will be tagged to this business account)
- UEN No.
- Email Address (will be tagged to this business account)
- Company Office Address / 1st Store Address
Video Tutorial #

1. Open UShop APP #
- Upon opening the newly downloaded UShop APP, you will land on the Login Page.
- Click on Register.
2. New Account Registration #
- To create an account, enter the mobile number you would like to login to the company account with.
- Enter the OTP for verification purposes.
- Set your account’s password.
- Agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and click Next to continue.
3. Account Details #
- Fill in the account details with your company’s information.
- Click Submit to continue
4. Create New Store #
- Fill in your first store’s details according to your first branch store’s information
- Click confirm to continue
You have successfully created an account on UShop!